About Me

I specialize in building software to solve modern day problems using modern day technologies.

Most of my projects involve updating legacy systems to support a rapidly changing consumer base.

In my free time I enjoy contributing to open source projects to help give back to the community.


Golang — I have programmed both small and large projects with Go and have learned a few tricks along the way. It is such a powerful language and has really begun to transform the way we solve problems. Go is my favorite language at the moment and I would love to continue using this language on future projects.
Java - Verbosity and power combined with a little magic. I have been working with Java off and on since my college days. Lately I have been using Spring Boot and building web APIs to be consumed by other services. Java has been around for a long time and I love learning new coding strategies.
Javascript - Full stack applications for many different scenarios. I have built many apps in Javascript using both Angular and React. In addition, I have experience writing unit, integration, and acceptance tests. Javascript is an easy to learn language and is widely known for its fast development speeds.
Python - One of the best tools for string manipulation on the market today. Python was the very first language that I learned. Although the majority of my experience has been developing smaller projects, the principles I have learned programming in other languages apply to python as well.



Let's work together